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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Starr

A day's visit from Caen.

Today I helped guide a group of visitors from Caen (Portsmouth's twin town) on a tour of Portsmouth. We went on a tour of the city including the views from Portsdown Hill and many of the city's sights including the D-day Museum, Gunwharf Quays and the Spinnaker Tower. I gave the guided tour in French on the coach and accompanied the group all day including to dinner at the Old Customs House which was gifted to me as a thank you...

Merci beaucoup à ACSM Tours à Anguerny en Normandie d'être venu nous rendre visite aujourd'hui! j'espère pouvoir travailler avec vous à l'avenir!

Further Photos can be seen on my Facebook page for  AJ Starr Translation

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